Klettern und Kickbiken

Klettern an der Felswand bei Posada

An einer großen Naturkletterwand erwarten Sie Kletterrouten in unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden. Daher bietet dieser Ausflug Anfängern und Kletterern, die bereits Erfahrung mitbringen, gleichermaßen Spaß und Herausforderungen, die gemeinsam mit einem Partner gemeistert werden.
Teilnehmen können alle zwischen 6 und 70 Jahren. Es sind lediglich geschlossene Schuhe mit Schnürsenkeln mitzubringen.


Zeitraum: Ende Juni – Anfang September
Kosten: € 29,00 pro Person, einschließlich Transfer, Ausrüstung, Einweisung, Guide
Dauer: ± 3 Stunden
Fahrzeit: ± 15 Minuten
Ca. ± 5 Minuten laufen zur Kletterwand
Kleidung: Sportschuhe


Kickbike, What ?

It is not new anymore, but very unknown: our tough off road kickbike !. It looks like a step with two wheels(different size) and a steer, but without the pedals, seat and chain. Instead we have a small platform where you can stand on and the kicking will make sure you will keep rolling. The low centre of gravity makes it easy to turn, drive and easily move forward. Kickboxing is not difficult, it’s unique and fun, but also exciting and intense. Definitely in the Sardinian landscap, which is tough and rough. you will be very happy with you heavy duty tires. So if you want to explore a small piece of Sardinia the best way ? Join us for a half day trip. Or take it easy and make your own day and rent a kick bike. Just fun!

Kickbike-Trip Capo Comino

After a short transfer (15 min) we will drop you off at the startpoint of our kickbiketrail: Capo Comino. after a quick look at the lighthouse and making some pictures we will give you a short safety instruction about the kickbike. We will learn you about the best way to kick, tips and little tricks. The first meters will be on hard road, but after that it will only be sand and gravel. We will follow the bumpy road along the coast until we arrive at Berchida beach, a famous bounty beach. After a short dive to cool down we will follow the road inland along a beautiful small river with flowers and donkeys. The end of our trip is marked by a small agriturismo were you can see the donkeys and have a drink or ice cream. The bus will bring us back to the campsite, hopefully before lunch.

Zeitraum: Ende Juni – Anfang September
Kosten: € 29,00 pro Person, einschließlich Kickbike, Helm, Guide
Dauer: ± 4 Stunden (±  2 Stunden Kickbicking, 10 km)
Fahrzeit: ± 15 Minuten